The Curly Side of Life

One curly haired girls adventures. Now with 10% more rants.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tales from school

In Business, all these girls started going on to me about straightening my hair. "Why don't you straighten it?!" "You've never straightened your hair?!"
French teacher stopped straightening her hairĀ¬! Yay!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Celeb guest blogger!!!!

Guess what?! Michele Jaffe is going to be guest blogging!!!!
> Hi MM!> What an awesome idea, a blog for the curly-n-proud-of-it among us! > hurrah! I'd love to be a guest blogger, but the only thing is, I'm > swammmmmmmmmmmmmmped for the next few months so it would have to be > some time like in November. Would that work for you? And do you > want me to write about my special curly hair techniques (er, the > ones I'd have to make up on the spot) or the strangest thing I > ever found caught in my hair or...?> > I laughed when I saw your post about olive oil. I tried that once > too--DISAAAAAAAAAAAAASTER. That is why your blog is so important! > Its public service, curly hair style.> > airkisses,> michele

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Guest blog!

Guess what? I'm looking for guest bloggers! So, if you want to guest blog, email a article about curly hair to: mm25 {at} lissamail {dot} com. Be sure to include your first name plus your URL (if you have one). I'll put up a few soon, so get writing...

Cool 4 School

God, I forgot to tell you on this blog that I wasn't gonna post for a while!!! Sorry!!!! So, now that I'm back for school, the time is right for...
Hairstyles for curly girls
Wow, snappy title, huh? Now, I've had...some...trouble with my hair in the past. I mean, my hair generally has the consistency of copper wire, and was impossible to get in a ponytail. So, curly girls take note, here's some hairstyles...
Poodle Bunch
Gotta love it. Get two big chunks from either side of your face and tie them on top of your head with a hair tie or to get noticed a sparkly barrette.
Ballerina, baby
OK, when my mom made me do ballet it did not work out. For one thing, I couldn't get my hair into the tight bun my teacher wanted. But, here's a simple style: put your hair into a loose plait then put it in top of your head with barette. (Barettes are a curly girls best friend!)
Alice, you rock
Alice bands are great. Just shove them on your hair and volia, you have a hairstyle!